About the progress of the Concept, the Smart Almaty Master Plan and the expected results



On August 24, the Almaty City Development Center and ‘the Institute of Engineering and Information Technology of KBTU’ consortium of companies, and IDC Central Europe, signed a contract to create the concept of the Smart Almaty project.



«Smart Almaty» is a project to develop and introduce modern technologies in each of the areas of life of the city. The adjective «smart» means «sustainable,» "competitive,» "effective,» "comfortable to live» in relation to the city.



In order to achieve the plans, the stages of the project were developed immediately after the signing of the contract. In September, the KBTU team and IDC Central Europe completed planning and organizational activities. At this moment, the process of assessing the maturity and the possibility of developing existing information systems. In studying information and communication networks, consultants will study business processes and information systems of more than 80 organizations of the city, 52 of which have already been surveyed.



In November, it is planned to develop and evaluate technological solutions, as well as analyze the possibility of their implementation. The final stage of the concept will be the preparation of project passports for each direction and feasibility study, where consultants should include descriptions of the expected socio-economic effect, cost and financing methods, implementation and maintenance costs.

As a result of the work carried out, proposals will be developed for the implementation of SmartAlmaty projects, including solutions for priority areas of the Smart City, Smart Transport, Smart Housing, Safe City, Smart Services, Health and Education.

As a result, the following documents will be developed within the framework of the contract:

1. Report assessing the maturity and effectiveness of the city's existing IT systems;

2. Report with an analysis of international experience in Smart Almaty projects;

3. The standard architecture of the city's information systems, displaying existing and proposed systems;

4. Smart Almaty master plan with project implementation dates;

5. Project passports with financial and economic models and management techniques.

The projected completion date is December 0-21, 2016.

You can read the international experience of the successful implementation of the Smart City project, with the example of 20 cities around the world, and you can ask your questions and suggestions by emailing smartalmaty@cda.kz