- Kazakhstan Republic, 050040
- Almaty, Abay Avenue, 90
- «Alatau» Metro Station
- «Almatybasjospar» building, 1st floor
- Each of the: +7 (727) 224 39 29 (inside. 101)
- Press service: +7 (727) 224 39 29
- The personnel Department: +7 (727) 224 39 29 (inside. 134)
- The procurement division: +7 (727) 224 39 29 (inside. 119)
- Each of the: info@almatydc.kz
- Press service: press@almatydc.kz
- The personnel Department: a.shalgymbayeva@almatydc.kz
- The procurement division: ye.opekan@almatydc.kz